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Copyright and all other intellectual property rights in this web page and all documents appearing on the VEU Registry (vests with the Essential Services Commission ("the commission"). The commission hereby permits you to:
  • view the VEU Registry, which will involve your web browser downloading and temporarily storing a reproduction of parts of the VEU Registry (on your computer);
  • display and print parts of the VEU Registry in unaltered form for the purposes of internal study, research, criticism or review, provided that you acknowledge the source of any such parts of the VEU Registry, give attribution to relevant authors and indicate that the commission's permission is required for any further use or publication; and
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Apart from the above, and any fair dealing permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, you must not use, re-use, reproduce, communicate to the public, modify, adapt or commercialise any part of the VEU Registry without the express permission of the commission. In particular, you must not
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Particular parts of the VEU Registry may provide additional restrictions or permission in relation to the use of material on that part of the VEU Registry.