Register of Accredited Persons
This register lists all persons, be they individuals or companies, that have been accredited to create Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) in the VEU program.
You can search the register to find businesses that offer certain types of energy efficiency services in your region. Consumers may prefer to search through the simpler interface available at the switch on website.
The ‘month of last activity’ column lists the last month in which the business created certificates under the VEU program. This information is provided to allow you to make more informed decisions about who to contact based on the fact that some businesses may no longer be actively engaged in providing services under the scheme.
If you encounter difficulties using this register, please contact VEU Support on (03) 9032 1310 or veu@esc.vic.gov.au.
Undertakes upgrade and facilitates certificates - the participant undertakes the upgrade and creates the certificates on behalf of the customer.
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Facilitates certificates only - the participant does not undertake the upgrade but rather creates the certificates on behalf of third parties such as tradespeople and energy consumers.
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Business Name
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VEEC Activity Types
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VEEC Activities
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Activity Sectors
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